Median & Lighting

We have had a very successful median installation, and wish to offer great thanks to the those who participated in design (RGA Landscape Architects), installation (PinnAcle Gardening, Horizon Lighting, Cathedral Canyon Golf Club) and financing (Association 1 Reserves, Cathedral Canyon Golf Club & Welk Resort Group, Association 2, Association 3, Association 14, and Association 18).

The new median projects satisfy many different issues. It gives Association 1 residents and visitors a much more beautiful roadway to traverse. It completely refreshes and brings up to code all electrical and irrigation systems in the median. It transfers design and oversight to Association 1. It simplifies maintenance for both CCGC and Association 1. And it saves a ton of water. All of this was accomplished without increasing monthly assessments and without sacrificing Association 1’s status as having reserves funded at the 100% level.

We still have some tasks remaining. We will be working on new coordinated median signage in conjunction with CCGC. And now that the median accent lighting is close to being done (we are still doing some adjustments), we can continue to examine ambient light levels on Paseo Real and to make sure we have a good mix of lighting. We will be working on this in the coming board meetings.


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