Re-paving of streets & Driveway maintenance

The Board is considering bids for the repaving of its internal streets, to be done either this year (or planning for next). During the median project, we pulled original surveys and documents from the city to determine once and for all which entity (Association 1, Association 2 & Welk/CCGC) was responsible what parts of streets that are in and adjacent to our leasehold.

Association 1 is wholly responsible for all of Calle Avila, Camino Jalan, Calle Barcelona & Calle Mora (up to the end of the north visitor spaces), as well as all of our visitor spaces. These areas (except for most of our visitor parking) have only been slurry sealed in the past decade and are now in need of full asphalt remove-and-replace. Most of our visitor parking had full asphalt removal performed in 2013.

Welk/CCGC is wholly responsible for both sides of Paseo Real from the Main Gate up to the south side of the tennis courts. This is our property, but their contractual responsibility. This road receives extremely heavy traffic, and is need of major repair. We are working with them to urge full resurfacing, now that the median is done and the new operators of CCGC are in place.

Welk is also responsible for the west side of Paseo Real from the south side of the tennis courts up to Calle Cordoba. This is officially their leasehold.

Association 1 is wholly responsible for the east side of Paseo Real from the south side of the tennis courts to the south side of Calle Cordoba, even though that fronts Association 2. We will work with Welk/CCGC to have that section done when Welk does Paseo Real, allocating funds based on square footage of the entire job.

The Board has also conducted a visual survey of the individual unit concrete driveways and will be considering a plan to stage driveway repairs over the coming year and beyond. We will be staging this based on severity and reserve levels.

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