Pool & Spa Closure Schedule due to Re-plastering

The Board would like to notify you that the Association will be re-surfacing pool decks and re-plastering pool & spas 1, 3 and 4. The work will take approximately 3-4 weeks for each pool area to be completed, and until then they will remain closed for use.

Re-plastering will begin at pool #1 on 9/27, pool #3 on 10/5 and pool #4 on 10/18.

Re-surfacing will begin at pool #1 on 10/4, pool #3 on 10/14 and pool #4 on 10/28.

During this time both pool areas #2 and #5 (both pool and spa) will remain open for use. Please check the mailing sent to you that highlights the open pools in Yellow for your convenience.

The Board acknowledges that this will be a temporary inconvenience, but everyone is looking forward to the Association looking great. Thank you for your cooperation.

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