Criminal Activity in Cathedral Canyon CC

There is recent evidence of increased criminal activity within the development in the last couple of weeks, including car thefts and car break-ins. This includes activity on Paseo Real.

Residents are strongly encouraged to keep front entrance, driveway and wall-top lighting turned on, and to park in garages (as opposed to driveways).  Paseo Real has always been a dark street, since our units never had Association-supplied front lighting, and the old median lollipop lighting was minimal. And during our median reconstruction, the only light will be from resident lighting.

The Board has been examining various approaches to increasing lighting levels on Paseo Real after the new median accent lighting is in, but in the meantime, it is up to residents to use lighting to deter crime immediately surrounding your units.

So please install good bright warm LED or halogen bulbs in your front lighting, and keep the lights on! These bulbs are inexpensive to operate and provide excellent ambient light coverage.

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