Change in roof inspections

As indicated by the CC&Rs, roofs are considered exclusive use common area, and are to be maintained by the homeowner. In the past, the Association has conducted an annual complimentary roof inspection to let homeowners know of any obvious issues on the roof to be addressed by the homeowner.

Because some homeowners have expressed concern over this practice, the board has voted to end the annual complimentary roof inspections. Homeowners must now conduct their own roof inspections, using the licensed contractor or handyman of their choice. Any actual work performed following the inspection must be done by a licensed contractor, and the necessary city permits must be obtained.

The Association will continue to reimburse homeowners for up to $250 (anuually) of roofing repairs, and this reimbursement is extended to the roof inspection. For this, please provide the management company with a copy of the contractor’s invoice with notation of payment.

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