Annual Owners Meeting – March 11

The Annual Meeting for the condo owners of Association 1 will be held on Saturday, March 11, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. at the Cathedral Canyon Golf Clubhouse on Paseo Real. The Annual Meeting is time when your Board of Directors reviews past and future projects, and Board members are elected or re-elected. It is also a time when two brief but important procedural orders of business come before the membership for a vote.

By now, you have received your materials that need to be sent back before the meeting. It is critical that you send in your ballots several days BEFORE the meeting so that we are sure that we have a quorum to hold the meeting. We need ballots from 32 homeowners to hold the meeting. It would be awesome to actually get 62 ballots, showing that all of our homeowners care about their investment and their home.

The procedures for balloting are very specific (state-mandated procedure). Be sure to:

  1. Complete your ballot.
  2. Insert it inside the smaller envelope (envelope 1) and seal the envelope. (do not sign or write on this envelope)
  3. Insert the smaller envelope inside the larger envelope (envelope 2) and seal the larger envelope.
  4. Sign your name where indicated on the larger envelope (envelope 2).
  5. Mail your larger envelope (if possible, by March 7) or drop it off at Desert Management. You may also bring it to the Annual Meeting, but we do prefer it mailed so that we’ll be sure to have a quorum.

If you have questions about the above procedure, please phone Anjannette Baca at Desert Management, and she can clarify for you.

If we do not have a quorum, we will lose money because we have to pay twice for the venue, and several homeowners who are based out of town have to drive for a second meeting at a later date.

At the meeting, you will get the opportunity to speak during a time reserved for Homeowner Comments. You will have a maximum of 3 minutes to speak. You may not cede your time to another homeowner so that they may speak for a longer period of time. And your comments will be recorded by our Secretary so that the Board can follow up on your concerns during the next Board meeting. By law, no actions other than what’s on the agenda may take place at the Annual Meeting.  Please keep your comments brief, to the point, and we ask that you do not engage in personal attacks. That doesn’t allow us to work together productively.

We look forward to seeing everyone this year.

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