Results of 2019 Annual Meeting & Board Organizational Meeting

In compliance with Civil Code §5105(a) which requires the Association to publicize the tabulated results of an election in a communication directed to all members within 15 days of the election, the following are the results of the annual meeting election held on March 9, 2019.

  • Item #1 – Election of Directors: Michelle Giacopuzzi – 35 votes (Michelle Giacopuzzi was elected to serve a three year term on the Board of Directors.)
  • Item #2 – Annual IRS Resolution: Approve – 35 Not approve – 2
  • Item #3 – Approval of Minutes of the 2018 Annual Meeting: Approved – 33 Approved w/Corrections – 0

The new Board of Directors met immediately after the Annual Meeting to elect board members to its positions. The results are as follows:

Bob Thomas, President
Virginia Cornell, Vice President
Sher Landrum, Treasurer
Nick Vega, Secretary
Michelle Giacopuzzi, Director

Congratulations to everyone and a collective thank you for serving your community!

The board would also like to thank Bill Messersmith for his service as President the last two years, and as a board member prior to that.

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